Tools for improving your web site No1. - The Official Google Webmaster Central Bog.

In these posts I'm going to give a little information about how to make the best of the free services that Google makes available to you on the web. This is important for our clients, as most of them are looking to increase the traffic and sales from their web site. Here is the Official blog giving more information about Google's Webmaster Central and Sitemaps.
What this does is allow you to:
1. Submit your site to Google for indexing.
2. Include a sitemap so that Google can find all your pages.
3. Verify that the site is indeed yours.
4. Tells you when the Google Bot came to index your site, and what it found.
5. Any errors in your web site, missing pages or broken links which would count against it.
6. Your best Keywords, which bring you traffic and how much.
This last is probably my favourite tool, as it allows you to look back in time and see the keywords which have improved, and where any increase in traffic can be attributed.
Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: New: Content analysis and Sitemap details, plus more languages
Finally here is the sign-in for the Webmaster Central / Sitemaps itself:
please have a look and enjoy, and remember - this could help you to make money!
All the best,