Charities in Cornwall - and further afield

It would be easy for us to build web sites all week long for nothing, and believe me we get asked a bit, by some fantastically deserving causes too.  Unfortunately if we helped anyone out that asked we'd be out of business.

However we do have a little bit of a conscience, and so here we list a few charities or organisations that we'd like to either draw some attention to, that we really like and support, or perhaps where we gave a tiny bit of help with their web site.

We can't really do any more - really sorry - but please do go and have a look at these sites, and if you like them or believe in them, then give a little something....


Friends of Bwindi Hospital

Friends of Bwindi HospitalBwindi Hospital is a remarkable community hospital in Uganda (yes Africa), where British Medic Paul Williams and his team work for nothing, with very little, to save and improve thousands and thousands of lives.

Their support includes lots of malaria treatment, helping Aids victims, birthing thousands of children, as well as all of the usual operations carried out by the only hospital covering thousands of square miles of Africa.

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